Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Fan Of The Week

You only have this week to describe the Harry Potter books/films in one sentence!

This are some of the sentences :

"I can describe it in one word - AWWESOME. A sentence - The awesomest thing the world has ever seen."
"Some of the best writing in the history of the world that has a brilliant storyline and teaches great values."
"The books describe the love. The films show the emotion. They show the same story of sheer brilliance that JK Rowling created."
"My entire childhood, my best friends and my greatest memories. :')"
"the books... Are my life ever since I was 6 supercalafragalisticexbeallaosious ( i think u spell it like that ) hehe."
"The ones that love us never truly leave us and when we love someone we never truly leave him, so that's why it isn't the end of HP <3"

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